On the surface, it is being able to do what one wants to do, when, where, and how one wants to behave. That seems like freedom. No one or nothing to stop you from having what you want in life. That surely seems like freedom, isn’t it?
However if one thinks, isn’t one still tied to something, just that now these ties are desires mind is creating? Instead of the outside world, situation, or people preventing you from getting what you want, isn't it just your mind creating new limits? Those outside situations are replaced by the ones created inside our mind. One is driven or almost forced by mental tendencies. Whether it is indulgence, some high with drugs or activities. In fact, if anything you might be more limited than you feel because these compulsions are coming from within and never stop.
So we are still not free.
A seemingly opposite but actually similar idea is when someone says ‘Freedom is not having anything to lose’. When you are left with nothing that can be taken away from you. Go to jungle and give up everything you have in worldly life. Then again if one is mentally tied to something or someone in the world, doesn’t really matter where the person is living, the freedom is still missing.
So what is Freedom?
Isn’t it that if you are pursuing something it simply means you have accepted you don’t have it, and as long as you pursue you can’t have it.
If you are pursuing money, somewhere you have scarcity of it in your mind and you are tied to idea of money. Same holds true for Freedom. As long as we are seeking freedom, we can’t have it. Anything, anyone or any situation we want freedom from is nothing but a tie we have with that thing/ person or situation. The moment we pursue that freedom is the moment we are tied.
So true freedom is in being , not pursuing. Let the life be, you can be free only now, not in future ever.
by Gaurav Jain